Sunday, November 14, 2010

Crazy dog....

So Kati and i have been together a little over three years now........and i keep waiting for that ahh-haa moment you read about people having or hear about in books, how some dog has made them a better person........what a load of crap. She has done nothing but cost me money in replacing floors, bedding and a good part of my peace of mind.

I swear this dog will be the death of me yet. Three years down the road and she still pees in my house. You read about folks getting two or three good months then a bad day......i get two or three days and then cleaning up pee again. Only good think is i have all tile or wood floors that damage is minimal as long as you don't count my peace of mind. I guess she has to live up to Molly, the perfect dog (picture above)......14 years and the only time she peed in my house was when i forgot to open the dog door after repair people had been there or she was sick. So maybe less than 5 times max, if that many. Kati is even looking at my while i type this and knows she is not in the best favor right now......ya, i am a bad person. I am not the touchy feely tree hugger she should have got ...........but a sometimes cranky -itch tried of cleaning up pee every other day or so. Hell yesterday, was was trying to figure out how to gracefully give her back to the rescue group that felt it was a good thing to let me take her. They have a nice policy that says........always give back to us before you give to anyone else. They are a much kindlier, gentler people that Lisa i tell ya.

So did i mention that we have been hiking and walking out in the real world the last three weekends, hiking at south mountain and walks around Tempe town lake with Dobie and another friend. It has taken three weeks to figure out the right harness/collar and leash to make it all work. She cant walk at a normal pace cuz she is too busy being scared of everything so figured out the flexileash worked perfect. Let her crazy pace keep up with humans steady pace and away we went.........what a nice walk it was until we got back to the car. I need a different car if going to keep carting dogs around..........backseat of mustang just not real user friendly for mutts. So we get Dobie in just fine and i drop the handle of the flexileash and I'll be damned if Kati does not take off at warp speed trying to get away from the leash handle behind her. And i am not kidding about warp speed........passed people in the parking lot, down towards the lake passing other people with dogs out walking..........with me running, at lisa warp speed yelling...stop her if she gets near you. Not a chance, she is not getting hear anyone who can actually help her. So as she hauls ass further away from me i am saved by her ignorance with a wrong turn. Rather than head down the coast of Tempe town lake, she turns away from the coast and finds herself in a corner that has two options..............take a dive and swim or stop and hover, scared out of her mind. But the grace of something, she stops sitting on the edge of the little cement lookout point and cowers while i come running up to her hoping she stays put. And she does....lets me pick her up, we walk about halfway back and i set her on the ground and away she goes walking like nothing has ever happened.

She was a wreck, i was a wreck and seems she only ended up with two bloody paws that seem to be ok now. Hard to tell, but they look ok.....will see how much she messes with them the next few days. Tried to stop for breakfast but that was a bust, too close the road and all that noise is not in her best interest so we left. Did i mention we also got in the middle of the Iron Girl 10k on our walk as well. She did really well until the one or two runners turned into a pack of about 500!!

All i was looking for was a buddy for Dobie, since Molly would not play anymore.........i am a patient person for the most part, but don't think that ahh-haa moment is going to happen for me. We will continue to take it one day at a time and hope one of us is happier than we would have been without each other...........ho hum.

If nothing else, she and Dobie do play for about 10, maybe even 15 minutes on any given day. Which is more than she ever did when she came here three years ago........

And right now, she is sitting out in the sun looking all cute and at peace...........good for her!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Gettin out......

Ya, we have been away for a while but away does not mean we have not been busy. So the last couple of weeks Kati has been on a new parks and a walk at a lake!!

We have been to the dog park twice now and she is doing great. She does not get more then two feet away from me but she walks on the leash to get there and is really thinking about maybe playing some a bit too. There was this annoying little puppy our last visit that she almost let know how it was gonna be but she chickened out and let him be.

Sunday she went on her first little hike. We were going to the mountain but thought that might be a bit much so just went to the big lake and got in a couple of miles. Those were her first miles and might have been a bit much for the day........since it kind of got warm too!! Afterwards we went to the bagel shop and she sat patiently under the table and enjoyed her little bites of cheese and ham. This is huge step for miss Kati and we are both very excited about........can hardly wait for our next walk later this week!!