Been four weeks now since Molly split and it is indeed a different place around here. Ya just dont realize how much a 15 year shadow means to you until she is not there. Molly had all the personality in the family and so we all are having to regroup a bit. Dobie is all boy....hand me, get me, do me, play with me and would love it if he could sit in your lap 24/7. Kati is the crazy girl and is coming out of her shell a bit but seems to be a bit slower than I expected.
Molly's new hang out!
I will say she has peed in the house much less in the last 4 weeks than ever. I think only twice and before it was at least every other day if not daily. I know Molly and i were her triggers so there is all good in all things that happen. Cuz i am much less stressed about having to worry about where she might pee next. She and Dobie are playing morning and night these days and really love to get on the bed first thing in the morning and battle it all out. They are so cute and you would think they were puppies just getting up in the morning. Kati will even get up on the bed and inch closer and closer to me in the mornings until she is poking at my hand for rubbins.
She is still going to bed each night about 6 and wont hang out in the living room with us much. However I always thought she enjoyed her sleep more than most and think that was due to the noisy puppy mill environment she grew up in. She loves to sleep and has lots of doggie dreams with quite a bit of doggie noises each night. She really does love sleep time i tell ya.....
I did have to get Molly immortalized in ink......however i could not do that without also adding Dusty, the first born. He was the cutest little pom-chichi you ever saw and stole my heart first....paving the way for Molly and all those after him. Its been a great run of 30 years of dogs in my life and hope for 20 more. They have been the loves of my life and also responsible for many, many smiles and wonderful days..........thanks to all my four legged kids!!