Friday, February 27, 2009

Dobie Update.........

The boy is doing very well.........however, he is just about over the whole leash walking and not being allowed to run free in his yard. He and Kati may have overdone things a bit last night. He was moving a bit slow and i could tell he was bothered by it all. He was much better this morning but still messing with his scar. I think it is itching more than other days and there is some scabbing that might be buggin him. He really is an odd little dude.

Kati has been very patient waiting for him to be able to play again. She can hardly wait!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Dobie has surgery......

It has been a long couple of weeks here in Kati-land. Kati lost her buddy to an injury and Dobie had back surgery to fix the injury. Seems Dobie ruptured a disk in his back. Let me tell a dog with a back injury is no fun for anyone. He came back from the groomer not wanting to walk and obviously in pain. So took him to the doctor the next day and he confirmed there was a back injury......well duh. So drugs for a week to see if things would get better and no such luck. Made a trip to the emergency vet for xray and those pretty much told the story of the ruptured disk. So from ruptured disk you go to the specialist and start forking out the bucks.....i will have to say i have dog insurance and was very glad i did. It says you really don't benefit from the insurance until you have a big injury/problem and i can see that now. I never thought i would have any of those but i guess that was living with my head in the clouds.

Dobie in the crate resting. The fun thing about a back surgery is that afterwards, not matter how good your dog things he feels............there is no running, jumping, playing and must always be on a leash when going outside to do his business. And Dobie being a terrier well that is just not in his nature.

He did get a real spiffy haircut out of the deal as you can see and about a six inch incision down his back. These pics are a week post-op and taken today. Saturday, i think he really started to feeling better and getting around without so much pain. So each day he is having a better day and that means we all are.........Kati is quite lost without her play buddy and would really like to have him back cuz Molly is not must into play time.

He almost looks happy here but even in this picture he is tethered to the desk. Based on the amount of money spent and the type of surgery it would not be in his best interest to even maybe think about letting him loose. I even took the bed down off the frame and box springs so he would not be getting up more than one mattress height. He would really like to sleeping on the bed but to early to take that chance in the big scheme of things. Maybe later in the week.

Just called the vet and he can have his stitches out a week from today..........yippie!! However, that does not mean he will be free to run wild yet, may be be another couple of weeks before that happens. Will keep you all updated and keep us in your dog thoughts!!

Happy New Year.....

Wow……….cant believe it has been such a long time since I have updated you all. I really need to try and do the little updates just to make sure something is getting out there and the funny thing is, I always have plenty to share. And speaking of sharing. If you look at the last pictures posted you can see the girls look a little uptight. Well I had plenty of cushions so giving them each their own seemed like the thing to do and as you can see from the new picture………..they really do like having their own and not sharing. Dobie as you can see prefers to sit off by himself……..he I a tough boy as you will hear later and the cement is fine for him.

Kati has discovered the whistle, though she does not really know what it is or where it comes from. I can be looking right at her and whistle and she will look every where but at me to find the noise. It is very cute and you can tell it is something new for her and she is not quite sure what it is all about. If Molly is in the room, she is pretty darn sure the noise is coming from her but as we know it is not. I love it when she finds something new.......