Friday, May 30, 2008

Company for the weekend....

Well had a guy visit last weekend and Kati was not too keen on that. They never did kiss and make up, when i look back on things i probably should have let him hold her for a bit to see he was not all bad. But did find out something new.........she does not like people with ball caps on!! I put one on a couple of weeks ago on my way to the pool and she was a little bit barky when i look back on things. It came off as soon as i got in so did not think much of it again.........until Glen put his cap on and she pretty much went off. So no ball caps for Miss Kati for a while it seems.

She and Glen never did hit it off but after he was gone, she kept looking for him down his hallway. We did have some friends over one night and she was pretty interested and was out and about with us. She really does well with new women friends that visit are hit and miss that is for sure.

She is playing more and really likes going to the swimming pool already. Dobie plays with her and Molly is thinking about it. I catch her following Molly every once in a while but she is just not ready to play with Kati. She shares all her stuff and beds with her, but not her time it would seem. I am sure Molly will surprise us all one day. Not like she does much playing at all but i am sure she will come around.

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