Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy 1 Year...........

Can you believe year in Kati-land this past weekend!! Not sure what to say, first of all never thought I would keep up with a doggie blog for a year.... such that it is. Follow through is not one of my strengths when related to home/lisa kind of stuff. If it gets done great.....and then it usually goes by the wayside. Kati is currently curled up in one of the 4 beds here in the office (yes, JS there is a shopping problem......i promise to control for a while). Dobie is on one of the others and Molly is in her apartment (yes, my closet was renamed her apartment a couple of years ago by a friend). She started sleeping there because i used to keep a laundry basket of dirty clothes she loved to hang out in.

So one year..........who knew!!

1 comment:

jjswol said...

Nice job Lisa, keep up the good work.