Thursday, November 8, 2007

Kati and Her Bed!!

Kati-land is good today. She finally crawled on top of one of the dog beds today instead of laying next to it. Hope she makes that one hers, the other two dogs have ignored it for years like there was something wrong with it. It really is a good bed. She is outside now doing who knows what, just happy she is out there doing her thing and being happy. She does still run the other direction when I approach her. Every once in a while she will cower and let me come to her. I started picking her up yesterday and holding her. It was not near as painful as she thought it was going to be. She sat in my lap last night while Molly was sitting next to me. Everyone did just fine. Molly has been a superstar, i think she still knows that she is the queen and always will be. Dobie is still a brat from time to time but they played this morning and played tug of war with one of the toys. I wanted to watch but she plays better if i do my thing and ignore her. Pooped and peed once in the house today.......can't figure out the triggers for inside verses outside. Will keep trying!!

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