Monday, January 28, 2008

A Much Better Week....

Welcome back to normal....sort of. Your mind wanders a lot when something like suicide hits your world...........but all i can do is better, cant go back and change what has already happened. So as I was saying, the regular pet sitter who spends the night was not available and i was convinced that the twice a day pet sitter would do fine and besides.....Kati really does better when no one is around. It is the other two that end to run rampant in the yard and bark just to hear themselves i think. So Rhonda the twice a day visit pet sitter is way into cats and not dogs for the most part, but she came over to meet Kati and said she was just like the feral cats that she finds from time to time. Needless to say they got along just great and Kati did not even spend as much time in the closet as she did when Ashley was at the house. But then she is getting much better around people in general.....well she does still pretty much run from me unless in the morning.

Mornings are our best time!! She lets me rub on her just about any where, she will some sit on the ground near me and stay there until i quite rubbing her or she decides she is done. Some days it is a very long time, others just a minute or two. This morning she did not even get out of her bed until i was totally ready for work, which was a first. But then now that i think of it, Molly who is always last got up first and Dobie and Kati were both last and dragging their feet. She just loves to potty on my rubber mat right out side the back door and now Dobie has decided he likes it as well. I have started to push it further and further away from the door but with the rain yesterday i think it really helped with them having some place to go that was not in the rain. Molly being the sweetheart that she is, will go out in the rain anytime and just hang a while. She is however, very opposed to thunder and lightning. We have not had much of that since Kati came to town, it will be interesting when the summer monsoons arrive because they can be very noisy indeed.

So we missed a week of puppy class when i was out of town last week but this week we had major breakthroughs if you ask me. So the first week she curled up in the corner and did not leave until i picked up up and class was over with. This past Saturday started out the same way but something happened halfway through class where she decided a walk around the room might not be so bad. We went around the perimeter or the room 4-5 times and walked past and around the other 4 dogs like it was no big deal. She really has no issue with other dogs and were bothered less by them than they were of her. She is the smallest dog in the class and the other most scared dog is a huge German Shepard, named Jerry. I think her and Jerry are trying to bond a bit and the other dogs she just walks around and mostly ignores them and distracts them from their training. She hates the clicker noise so there will really be no training along those lines but getting out and about does her good and she seems to really like car rides!! Now if i could just get her caught easier when i need to have her in had. She gets her second haircut this week and we will try and trim a few toenails!!

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