Sunday, January 20, 2008

The real world arrived last week......

Smile Dobie!! OK well at least he did not run away but let me take the picture. He is the cool dude, just waiting for spring when there will be geckos to chase in the yard again.....

The real world arrived this past week. It has been pretty nice here in Kati-land doing the new dog thing and just living life day to day and seeing good in all. Last Sunday I get one of those after 10pm phone all know them, the one you are afraid to answer!! You know it will not be good news and sure enough it was the worst kind possible. My 31 year old niece, Jessie, had killed herself. My family is as far from the Walton's as you can get and there was no doubt thanks to caller ID this would be crappy phone call but ........gosh, how could it possibly be this crappy. I was expecting someone to be dead......but an older person. Not someone younger, vibrant and down right out beautiful .....her whole life ahead of her. Jessie has been "sick" for a quite a few years but either i never "heard" or wanted to hear that is was this bad. So as you can imagine, going back home to Kansas this past week was not much fun.....not to mention the 12 degree mornings they were having with day temps not getting much past 32. I just don't do cold so well anymore you know!!

I had not been home to Wichita in over 11 years and i really don't have a good answer for why not. I have always said, come see me in AZ.......i have seen all of Kansas i really wanted too!! It was a good visit i guess. Saw all 7 brothers and sisters some of those not seen in the 11 years.....funny how we can all manage to get together for a funeral. What is that all about anyway?? Why not get together while every one is alive......doh! Saw a few friends, met grand nieces and nephews i had never met. Funny how others are aging and not me....ha ha ha! Weird thing was i stayed with the friends that bought the house i grew up in.....weird in that the dreams were creepy and probably won't be staying with them again. I slept in the same bedroom i used to share with my sister and have fights in. I will have to give them credit.....they finally put a shower in that bathroom upstairs. Gotta wonder why Daddy only made it a bath and we had to run up and down stairs growing up to use the bathroom with the shower??

Kit (my sister) is doing pretty darn well i would have to say. She is very relieved not to go to bed each night now worrying about her daughter........and what kind of torment the next day will have for her. The voices, the people watching her......i can go on, but i think you understand. More later.......this makes me sad and need to give it up for a while. Sorry for the downer, but reality i guess even has to come to the happy dogland too.

P.S....regular dog sitter was not available, so all three "kids" would have to spend their nights alone....without a human in the house!!

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