Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The tail wag....

Oh my God.....it finally happened........or i finally got to see it, Kati wagged her little nub of a tail. She and Dobie were having quite a time playing on morning last week and they both came flying into the house from play and she was all happy and her little nub was just rocking back and forth just enough for everyone to notice.

She and Dobie seem to play more and more, when he is feeling good. I really need to get the new doc to check him out and see if maybe she can figure something out. He seems to be holding up his left rear leg more and more lately. However, i did notice that when i walk him he tends to keep them all on the ground as he gets tired. It does seem also seem that when he does his morning stretches he is somewhat hesitant to really get into the whole thing......like he can only move so far before he is uncomfortable. On the other hand, the geckos are coming into season and he is hot and heavy chasing them. I have seen a couple this spring and they are kind of big, if he gets a kill he will be very proud!!

And another first this week for Miss Kati.........she finally figured out the flower box wall that Dobie runs away from her on. She can't get up from the middle yet, but she certainly has figured out to go the low part where Molly gets up and can walk the whole thing now. She is a bit hesitant to jump down but does seem to be getting over that pretty darn quick. I have also "caught" her just sitting in the yard. As I like to say with the other two.....surveying their empire!! It rocks she getting comfortable enough to stop all the movement, sit and enjoy the day. Our weather is getting warm and it is just perfect out in the mornings.....they do seem to disappear for a bit and got out and just enjoy. Can hardly wait until she will lay down and nap with Molly out there.

So as I have said, she is very affectionate and cute in the mornings before getting all nervous. She rolls around on the carpet and has come to expect i will be down there to rub her back, legs, belly........just about head to toe now. And as you might expect........someone (Dobie) spends his mornings getting in between her and I and that is pretty darn cute. Good thing i have two hands or there would be a problem. He really has always been the attention hog when anyone other than him is not getting rubbed all over. Well on weekends, I tend to go back to bed after our little wake up session and so if she is not ready for all that will come try to get up on the bed. So this weekend, i picked her up and set her up there with all of us. She was nervous but was ok with it. Dobie jus kind of looked at her and sat there............Molly on the hand, if she could talk, she would have been saying.........."I know you are not serious with her being up here. This is my giant bed and there is no room for HER!!" So Kati decided to move, and as i expect was charged off the bed by Molly........it was kinda cute and pretty much what i expected. They will have to work that one out on their own, as I am sure Molly will make very clear the plan!!

And finally, princess Molly!!

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