Saturday, April 19, 2008

Six months in Kati-land.....

Well, we made it........six months!! Kati made it and the rest of us made it......well, Molly still won't let her on the bed but other than that we are in great shape. Kati and Dobie are going to their first few hours a doggie daycare this afternoon. Found a pet sitter nearby and that does day care so going to give it a try this afternoon. We passed the visit, i guess i should say they passed!! She was checking us out and all a long i was doing the same. Making sure the house was safe and secure and not too mention.........very clean!!

As for other things going on. Kati is settling into her little world. I have caught her just sitting in the house, outside in the grass, outside on the sidewalk.....surveying her little kingdom of dog!! Those are probably some of the most relaxed times I see her except maybe at night. I know she is happy at night when i hear her having little dog dreams. That makes me feel, she feel safe enough to sleep that hard and not have to worry about what is going on around her or who might be in to scare her. The neighbor dog has been unusally quite lately, so that means Dobie is quiter and everyone is happier and more relaxed. If Dobie barks at the top of his lungs, it still scares Kati but not as much as it used to. She just comes in the house at normal speed rather than bolting in like she has been shot out of a canon. I gotta wonder what that is like when flying thru the dog door....LOL.

Her and Dobie are playing more and more these days. It used to be just on the mornings, but not it can be any time of day and they seem to get really active right after the sun goes down. They disappear outside for a bit and then come in the house at warp speed with Kati chasing is very cute.

More later and some pics.........bye for now!!

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