Wednesday, November 28, 2012

And just how is Kati.....

She is doing great!!  Dobie has been the center of attention for almost 2 months now and she has been a real trooper thru it all.  She has only peed on the floor a couple of times and that was because something scared her from outside.  I have been taking her to the park for one on one time and walks the last two months. They have a one mile trail we walk and sometimes even go around twice........who would ever thought the homebody would be out walking a mile at a time.  She won't walk around the block here at the house, on the sidewalk..........she acts scared to death of it all, but get in the car and drive to the park and she is all ready to go and hit the road.

She just figured out how to get up on the couch and stay recently.........she only stays for a few minutes at best or long enough for me to take her picture sometimes.  She is really bummed that Dobie has not been able to play with her. It is not like they played a whole lot but the little bit they did she misses.  I think i will send her to doggie day care this weekend so she finds a new buddy or two.

Dobie has had a very good seems, I keep thinking there is a big crash coming.  He is dragging the right rear leg more it sounds like but he sure has seemed like he is feeling and doing better.  Fingers crossed, good thoughts and will keep up those prayers to the Big Dog!! 

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