Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Dobie has had a great week and we even did company today and he seems to be doing ok tonight.

That is him and Kati on the couch a couple of months ago. Probably about the time he started to slow down.  He had a buddy visiting today who feel in the pool.  Rudy is 14 and just about at the end of his time....can't see or hear much anymore, just had bladder surgery and did fine....stitches out next week.  But now he thinks he needs to pee all the time..........poor guy, he is a good dog to his parents and I hate that our best buddies have to get old. 

Dinner was pretty darn good today!! Turkey thighs were a bit undercooked but the leftover action will help that and the rest was perfect, even my gravy if I do say so myself!!  And of course the potatoes rocked with a stick of butter and a pound of cheeses. And then the two desserts.........I fixed a lot for not being much of a cook.

I am so thankful for this Thanksgiving and God and Dr. Lyons and all the supplements giving Dobie some more quality time with me. He seemed to enjoy the company and good times with friends.....I certainly did and did not eat too much either!!  Thank You God.......for all that is good and wonderful this day!!

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